Apr 24, 2024

5 New Workspace Insights from Industry Experts

Office SpacesPeople and EngagementWorkplace and space management


Workspace planning has seen transformational adjustments in recent years, particularly in India, where office space use patterns are still evolving. With 63% of Indian enterprises seeking to extend their office spaces to suit hybrid working styles, the significance of strategic workplace design has never been greater. Efficient planning not only increases production but also promotes team creativity and collaboration. Industry experts' insights are crucial for firms enhancing their surroundings to fit current needs. This article delves into five fresh perspectives from these professionals, customising guidance for the transforming landscape of workspaces in India. 

Insight 1: The Shift Towards Hybrid Models. 

The hybrid model, which combines remote and on-site work, has become a common feature of India's modern business environment. This transition was primarily motivated by the epidemic but reported gains in employee happiness and operational flexibility have supported it. As businesses in India adjust to this new standard, the office space layout has substantially adjusted to accommodate the changing preferences of Millennials and Gen Zs in the workplace. 

Flexibility is Key 

Office spaces in India are built with flexible designs and adjustable workstations to accommodate a dynamic workplace setting and provide a seamless transition between private and group work areas.  

Also read: The Growing Popularity of Hybrid Workspaces

Dedicated Spaces 

Setting aside particular parts of an office to accommodate various work styles and jobs is becoming increasingly popular. Examples include silent spaces for intense concentration and open spaces for group projects.  

Health and Safety Measures 

Following the pandemic, office layouts prioritise health measures, including touchless solutions, improved air circulation systems, enhanced sanitisation locations, and spatial alterations to preserve social separation when necessary. 

Insight 2: Emphasis on Employee Well-being 

The rise of flexible and managed office space in India strongly prioritises physical, mental, and emotional health, understanding that long-term production and job satisfaction depend on a healthy workforce. With flexible office designs and layouts, businesses can alter their workspaces to accommodate wellness-focused elements, resulting in spaces promoting the overall well-being of employees. 

Ergonomic Design 

Businesses are investing in ergonomic furniture, such as adjustable seats and workstations, to reduce workplace accidents and improve comfort. Such qualities are critical in minimising the physical strain caused by lengthy fixed desk work. 

Natural Elements 

Biophilic design ideas, such as increased natural light, green areas, and water features, can help reduce stress and improve the mood of employees. Offices are being built to optimise exposure to natural light and, where feasible, include outdoor vistas and interior plants. 

Recreational Facilities 

Dedicated areas for rest and recreation are becoming increasingly frequent. These dedicated areas include lounge spaces, gaming, and collaboration zones, and even fitness centres, emphasising the need for productive breaks during the day. 

Aspirational Amenities 

In today’s employee-centric workspaces, amenities play a prominent role in retaining and attracting the talent pool. With easy access to both indoor and outdoor amenities, the Indian workforce is now able to strike an ideal balance between engagement and productivity. Smartworks has been the catalyst in providing a range of top-notch amenities and revolutionising the workspace experience for professionals. This includes IoT-enabled meeting rooms, gaming and collab zones, digital pantries, smart grocery stores, VR room facilities, creches, anger management rooms, snooze and medical rooms, fitness centres, and more. 

Insight 3: Sustainable and Eco-friendly Office Spaces 

India has a rising impetus to create sustainable and green office environments driven by environmental problems and a knowledge of the significance of sustainability in company responsibility. Companies use green practices instead of job layouts and operations to reduce their ecological effect and enhance employee wellness. 

Energy Efficiency 

With power-efficient HVAC systems and equipment that drastically reduce energy consumption, modern workspaces in India are increasingly constructed to use natural light to lessen dependence on artificial lighting. 

Sustainable Materials  

Environmentally friendly materials are valued in building and interior design. This includes recyclable materials, harmless paint, and sustainable furniture, all adding to a healthier working environment and lower environmental effects. 

Waste Reduction Practices 

Businesses are introducing improved waste management systems, such as extensive recycling programs and reducing single-use plastics. Digital procedures are gaining ground over paper-based methods to minimise waste even further. 

Green Certifications 

Certifications such as LEED or GRIHA confirm a company's dedication to sustainability and improve its standing with stakeholders and customers. This is why many businesses want to get these standards. 

Insight 4: Integration of Advanced Technology 

In today’s competitive landscape, technology in the workplace is paramount. The demand for tech-integrated workspaces and collaborative designs is skyrocketing. Being a leading platform for managed and flex spaces in India, Smartworks empowers businesses with cutting-edge tech solutions that include IoT-enabled meeting and conference rooms, facial recognition for seamless access and food ordering, and a smartphone app to book meeting rooms, reserve gaming facilities, invite visitors, raise complaints, and more. 

Smart Office Solutions 

In Indian offices, automated lighting and HVAC (ventilation, heating, and air conditioning) systems are becoming commonplace. These intelligent solutions save expenses and environmental impact by maintaining optimal work conditions and optimising energy utilisation. 

Improved Connectivity 

To accommodate the variety of gadgets and digital tools utilised in modern businesses, reliable wireless solutions and fast internet are necessary. This connectivity is critical for smooth communication and collaboration, especially in hybrid working styles. 

Data Security and Privacy 

As digital workflows become more prevalent, strong cybersecurity measures are critical. Offices use advanced security methods and infrastructure to safeguard sensitive information and ensure compliance with data protection rules. 

Collaborative Technologies 

The workplace incorporates tools like shared digital workspaces, interactive whiteboards, and real-time collaboration software to improve efficiency and cooperation across different projects and departments. 

Also read: How IoT is Framing the Future of Office Spaces?

Insight 5: Cultural and Aesthetic Considerations 

In India, where culture significantly impacts daily life and business activities, workplace design increasingly addresses cultural and aesthetic issues. Acknowledging the significance of a work environment that aligns with the organisational culture improves worker satisfaction and a sense of belonging and fosters innovation and motivation. 

Tailored Workspace Solutions 

The rise of managed and flexible office spaces has led to an increased demand for bespoke designs and tailored solutions, catering to the diverse needs of businesses of all scales and verticals. Tailored workspace solutions allow businesses to reflect their brand identity and strengthen their return-to-office strategies. 

Local Art and Craftsmanship 

Including local art, crafts, and creative elements in workplace décor benefits local artists and offers the workspace a distinct cultural character. This includes traditional Indian fabrics, paintings, and sculptures, contributing lively aesthetics and building a sense of heritage. 

Architectural Elements 

Modern office designs frequently use architectural cues from the Indian past, such as jaali (lattice) patterns, archways, and courtyards, which look good and enhance natural ventilation and light. 

Color Schemes 

Color is an essential part of Indian culture, frequently used to represent different emotions and cultural symbols. Offices utilise color psychology to create surroundings that energise, calm, or stimulate creativity, depending on their intended function. 

Flexible Spaces 

To reflect the Indian sense of community, office spaces are built to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for easy preparations for gatherings, festivities, and informal meetings, which are essential components of Indian professional and social life. 


To summarise, workspaces in India are planning to represent a comprehensive strategy that considers staff wellness, sustainability, technological advancement, and cultural sensitivity. As firms manage the complexity of the modern workplace, insights from business professionals are vital. By accepting these findings, businesses can design workplaces that promote efficiency, creativity, and employee pleasure, setting themselves up for success in an ever-changing business world. 

Smartworks offers a more innovative way to work. Experience cutting-edge workplace environments that promote efficiency, cooperation, and well-being. Join us as we redefine the future of employment in India. Visit our website today to learn more about our flexible workplace solutions and how they may help your organisation reach its full potential. 

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